This Sunday, February 8th, is the annual Scout Sunday celebration at Trinity UMC. Scout Sunday is celebrated by Troops all over the country to not only commemorate the founding of Boy Scouts in America but also to demonstrate the scouting program to the various charter organizations and thank them for their support. Troop 97 has a tradition of attending the 11 am Sunday service at Trinity, leading the congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance, and reciting the Oath and Law. Following the service, the Troop “family” gathers for a potluck luncheon before the Winter Court of Honor.

Please join us with your Scout and family. Each patrol has been assigned a type of dish to bring, just enough for your family and one more. Mark any non-disposable utensils and serving pieces with your name.

  • Panther & Raccoon Patrols – Bring a meat or main dish.
  • Bear, Flaming Arrow & Hawk Patrols – Bring a side dish or salad.
  • Blue Beaver Patrol – Dessert

Meet in the Scout Room at 10:30 am. Wear your full Class-A uniform with merit badge sash.

You may drop off your pot-luck items in the Fellowship Hall before the 11AM service.